Welcome to the E-hailing Partners Council, the Council of Choice in the e-hailing sector
E-hailing Partners Council
We, the Organisation representatives/members firmly commit ourselves to a unified democratic e-hailing industry in South Africa, viable economic opportunities, free of oppression and economic exploitation.
Our Members
A “member" means a voluntary person, other than an official, who holds membership and has specified rights in the council.
Our Legislation & POPIA
Apart from the companies Act 71 of 2008 & NLTA 2009 as Amended as well as the Councils, Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI), Constitution, the operation of “EPCO” is affected by a host of other laws.
About EPCO
The Council is a corporate body with perpetual succession and legal existence independent of its affiliates. Continue to exist even when its membership changes and there are different office bearers.
We strongly believe that it is reasonably attainable under the democratic leadership of a united e-hailing Operators and Drivers. To optimally function and achieve the much-desired organisational mission, objectives and goals the following distinct tasks will need to be executed:
Organise the unorganised e-hailing operators & drivers and build effective Council(s) and or Platform(s) based on democratic principles on basis of mutual
interest or common objectives.
Organise regional and national structures, financed and controlled by
organisational members through democratically elected and or appointed
Unify all e-hailing stakeholders: Committees, Associations and other groups,
under E-HAILING PARTNERS COUNCIL’s leadership.
Champion for e-hailing empowerment and strong mutual relations with the
government and all relevant and progressive sectors of the community.
Take leadership charge in calling for profitable fares, safety & security and
enhance improved operating environment.
To prescribe provincial principles, requirements, guidance, frameworks and
influence national norms and standards that must be applied uniformly in the
province and other pertinent matters in the industry.